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Contoh Soal Bahasi Inggris Kelas X Semester 2

S E M E S T E R   T E S T
Subject                                   :  English
Class / Semester                     :  X-RSBI .... / 2
Academic Year                      :  2009 / 2010   
Time                                       :  90 Minutes
Name                                      :  .........................................

Direction: A. Read the texts below and answer the questions given!

Text 1. This text is for questions 1 to 7

I remember the day when I first got Sandy, my 7 year old cat. I wanted to name her because she was so cute. My old sister Michelle convinced me to name her Sandy Bucket instead; so we could call her Sandy for short. I was so attached to Sandy. Every time I saw her, I couldn’t walk away, I would just have to hug her. I even slept at the end of my bed, so I can hug her the whole night even though I was freezing.
            I always remember so many fun times with Sandy. Like when we would run and jump off the end of our pier, and Sandy would chase after us. When I was scared or mad. I would just hug Sandy and everything wouldn’t so bad.
            But one night, right before I went to bed, my mom let her out. While I went to sleep, my mom went to call Sandy back in. but she didn’t come in, so I thought she maybe went inside my neighbor’s house. As my mom and dad went outside to look for Sandy, I became really worried. They couldn’t find her. Every ten minutes they would go out to look for her, so I went to bed hopping she was safe. I just thought she got lost and would come back tomorrow.
            The next day was the worst. My mom woke us early and told me and my sister, Michelle, that Sandy died last night. I was so sad and didn’t want to do anything that day. When I was going to school, I couldn’t stop crying. At school all my friends made me cards and tried to make me stop crying, but couldn’t. My teachers would always look at me and ask why I was crying. Even my friends were crying with me.
            When I got home I went to my room crying really loudly. I wanted to scream. I came downstairs and hugged my mom. she said we could get another cat. Then, she was trying to find a new cat on the internet. But I didn’t want another cat. I wanted Sandy. She never found one that looked like Sandy or at the same age or even in the same kind.
            That night I slept with my mom and we prayed for Sandy. I kept thinking she was a ghost at the end of the bed, so I stayed close to my mom. The next day I figured out that if Sandy was a ghost, she would not scare me or haunt me. She would be waiting for me to play with her.
            I still think about Sandy every day and wish she could come back.

1.                  What is the main idea of the text?
A.    The Sandy’s dead                      D. The carelessness of the writer’s mom    B.          Looking for Sandy                   E. The lost of beloved cat
C. Giving  a name of a cute cat   
2.                  How could the cat get lost?
A.    The writer’s mom let the cat out one night.
B.     The cat played with another cat.
C.     Someone took the cat to the remote area.
D.    The neighbor kept the cat in his/her house.
E.     Michelle didn’t give her some food.
3.                  What did the writer’s mom do to support the writer?
A.    She bought a new cat.
B.     She slept with the writer’
C.     She was trying to find a new cat on the internet.
D.    She reported to the policemen.
E.     She ordered her husband to buy another cute cat.
4.                  What is the purpose of the text?
A.    To tell you about past event.     D. To provide information about Sandy.
B.  To entertain the reader.              E. To describe how to make something.
C. To describe a particular animal
5.                  Which steps does the writer use to write the text?
A.    Identification – Description
B.     Orientation – Events – Re-orientation
C.     Orientation – Complication – Resolution
D.    Goal – Material – Steps
E.     Identification – Description
6.                  “I would just have to hug her.” (Paragraph 1)
The synonym of the underlined word is ….
A.    Strangle                                      D. Toast       
B.     Wave                                          E. Embrace  
C.     Hunt
7.                  Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the text?
A.    Michelle agreed about  the name of the cute cat.
B.     The writer’s parents went out side to look for Sandy.
C.     Sandy had been dead
D.    The cute cat had never been at quay.
E.     The writer couldn’t stop crying when she was going to school.

Text 2. This text is for questions 8 to 14.

            Giving gifts is a well-known way to show our attention toward somebody else. Moreover, giving gifts may be important for certain special moments. Unusual or even weird gifts would leave a sweet memory for us and recipient. So, try these tips to find something unusual as your gifts.                                                                                                 Look for gifts wherever you find yourself, especially when you were on a trip. From a bazaar in Bandung to a tag sale in Berlin.
            Use the internet. Follow links until you find what you want. Track down items such as rare prints, out-of-print books or antiques in the auction.
            Give a welcome service. A message, costume makeovers, a day at the spa, or romantic dinner will be a nice welcome gift.
            Combine one or two things for a spectacular effect. The picture frame that you bought in Bali might provide the perfect background for showing off the portrait of the recipient.
            Come to a handicrafts store and talk to the people that make unique pieces.
            Visit art supply stores, craft shops, art galleries and factory stores for ideas.

8.                  The word well-known in the first line means ….
A.    famous                                               D. great
B.     weird                                                   E. special
C.     big
9.                  Where may we look for unusual gifts?
A.    In an auction                                       D. In the craft shop
B.     Anywhere                                            E. In the internet        
C.     In the market

10.              Before given an unusual gifts, it is suggested that we give …. first.
A.    a photo frame                                      D. a welcome service
B.     a unique furniture                                E. a rare print
C.     a book
11.              The word in the text that means not too many is ….
A.    dense                                                   D. unique
B.     rare                                                      E. important
C.     large
12.              Giving gifts may be important to ….
A.    complete our collections                     C. make us unusual
B.     talk to the people                                D. get the recipient attentions
C.     celebrate special moments      
13.              What is the purpose of the text?
A.    To tell you about past event.     D. To provide information about Sandy.
B.  To entertain the reader.              E. To describe how to do something.
C. To describe a particular thing
14.              What is the generic structure of the text?
A.    Identification – Description
B.     Orientation – Events – Re-orientation
C.     Goal – Material – Steps
D.    Identification – Description
E.     Newsworthy event – Background event(s) – Source(s)

Text 3. This text is for questions 15 to 22.
            The soccer star David Beckham and his wife, former Spice Girl Victoria, are going to court to defend their image and marriage. The beckhams are angry that a British tabloid newspaper printed a story that their “happy marriage” was a lie. The News of the World wrote an article saying the Beckhams are just pretending to be happily married to make more money from their “Beckham brand”. The newspaper said the marriage was really “on the rocks” because of relationship David had with another woman. He strongly denies this.
            The newspaper article suggested that the Beckhams’ huge income depended on their public image. It said the couple tried to convince the public that their marriage was happy to get more advertising contracts. The article also said David almost had a nervous breakdown because of arguments with his wife. A lawyer for the newspaper commented on the high profile marriage, asking: “Is it unhappy, full of rows and tensions because of David Beckham’s infidelity, or is it happy? We say unhappy. “The Beckhams, meanwhile, insist they are a happily married couple.
15.              The Beckhams huge income is depended on their ….
A.    contracts                                              D. image
B.     news                                                    E. lifestyle
C.     relationship
16.              According to the newspaper, the Beckhams marriage was unhappy because of David Beckham’s ….
A.    affair                                                   D. public image
B.     profession                                            E. hobby
C.     income                                                
17.              The marriage was really “on the rocks” (paragraph 1line 5)
The phrase “on the rocks” means that the Beckhams marriage is in …. Condition.
A.    good                                                    D. strange
B.     bad                                                      E. strong
C.     popular
18.              The Beckhams’ huge income (paragraph 2 line 1). The word huge means ….
A.    large                                                    D. wide
B.     high                                                     E. small
C.     low
19.              David almost had a nervous breakdown because of arguments with his wife (paragraph 2 line 3). The arguments means ….
A.    relationship                                          D. contract
B.     marriage                                              E. fight
C.     love
20.              What is the purpose of the text?
A.    To tell you about past event.  C. To provide information about David.
B.  To entertain the reader.          D. To describe how to play soccer.
C.  To describe a particular person.
21.              What is the generic structure of the text?
A.    Goal – Material – Steps
B.     Orientation – Events – Re-orientation
C.     Identification – Description
D.    Orientation  – Complication – Resolution
E.     Newsworthy event – Background event(s) – Source(s)
22.              Which one is  TRUE according to the text?
A.    The beckhams are not angry that a British tabloid newspaper printed a story that their “happy marriage” was a lie.
B.     David was disagree that he had another woman.
C.     The Beckhams are not necessary  to be in the court to defend their image.
D.    David had a nervous breakdown because of arguments with his wife.
                  E.   David Beckham is a soccer star and coach.

Text 3. This text is for questions 23 to 30

            I have never known a dog and an elephant make friends. Elephants will eventually become accustomed to certain dogs in camps, and dogs learn not to bark at them and always to keep out of reach of the slash of a trunk or the kick of a leg. The hatred of elephants for dogs can not easily be explained. It is possible that they are afraid of dogs biting their trunks, though I do not think such a thing ever happened. It has occurred to me that it might be an instinctive dread of everyone who keeps a dog in camp, Burman and European Assistant alike.
            Nevertheless practically every European Assistant keeps a dog and I have almost always had one myself. The elephant hate them and one is always losing one’s dog, owing to leopard, tiger, bear and snakes. The tragedies of lots dogs are often an Assistant’s first experience of real grief.
            It easy to ask, why, under such conditions, do you keep a dog? But I know of no other existence where a dog is so necessary as a companion to share every moment of one’s life and to drive away loneliness.
            So far as I know, elephants don’t worry about snakes, though the “oozies” (drivers) believe that a number of elephants calves die of snake-bite. I have had this reported to me many times but in no instance could I find any proof. The Burmans believe that the hairs of elephant’s tail pull out very easily after it has been bitten by a snake. But, as this has also to be proved, I was never able to accept it as conclusive evidence that an elephant had been killed by snake-bite.
            There is a widespread belief that an elephant is really terrified of a mouse. The idea makes an obvious appeal to the human love of paradox. But, if it is true, I can see no reason for it. It certainly can not be because the elephant is afraid of the mouse getting inside his trunk, since, with one snort, he could eject it like a cork from a popgun. However, most fears are imaginary and there is no reason why elephants should be immune from such terrors.

23.              Which of the following, according to the writer, is true about dogs and elephants?
A.    Sometimes they make friends.
B.     Elephants like dogs in camp.
C.     Elephants are afraid of being bitten by a dog.
D.    The hatred of elephants for dogs can not be explained at all.
E.     Elephants will not eventually become accustomed to certain dogs in camp.
24.              It has occurred to me that it might be an instinctive dread of hydrophobia. Hydrophobia ….
A.    is a disease of dogs
B.     means being afraid of dogs
C.     is something only the Burmese are afraid of
D.    is a disease dogs usually catch from humans
E.     is a disease of elephants
25.              Why is one always losing one’s dog?
A.    They got off with other animals.
B.     They chase other animals and get lost.
C.     They are killed by other animals.
D.    The elephants are frighten them away.
E.     They are killed because of snake-bite.
26.              Why do Assistants keep dogs?
A.    The dogs can stand the difficult conditions.
B.     They need dogs to protect them.
C.     The Assistants are lonely.
D.    The dogs are necessary to accompany elephants.
E.     The dogs always help elephants.
27.              What proof is there, according to the writer, that elephants die of snake-bite?
A.    Baby elephants died of it.
B.     None.
C.     The tail hairs of a bitten elephant come out very easily.
D.    There have been many reports of this happening.
E.     There is a widespread belief that an elephant is really terrified of another animal.
28.              Which of the following would you say was true?
A.    Snakes never bite elephants.
B.     Snakes only bite baby elephants.
C.     Snakes may bite elephants.
D.    Tigers never bite dogs.
E.     None of the above.
29.              What is the human love of paradox?
A.    A love of ideas that seem to contradict each other.
B.     A love of argument.
C.     A love of small creatures that frighten large ones.
D.    A love of strangeness.
E.     A love of miraculous.
30.              According to what the writer says of elephants and mice, which of the following is correct?
A.    Elephants are afraid of mice.
B.     Elephants may be afraid of mice.
C.     Elephants are immune from the terrors of mice.
D.    Elephants are never afraid of mice.
E.     Elephants make friends with mice.