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Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas X DETERMINNG-MAIN IDEA


Class: X
Kendari, May 18 th, 2009

Teaching Material: Reading Skill
  • At the end of this teaching process, students are expected to be able to determine main idea
 Another pioneer, Paracelsus, who helped alchemy develop into modern chemistry, declared that salt, sulphur, and mercury mixed in the proper proportions would be good for our health. He also insisted that the search for gold should be stopped.
       An important chemist in eighteenth-century in France was Lavoisier. His experiments convinced him that burning was caused by union of oxygen with other chemicals. He called this process oxidation.
       In the composed of very small particles called atoms, and that the atoms of various elements differ in their weight. The atomic theory also states that a union of two or more atoms comprises a molecule.
       At about the same time, an Italian physicist, Avogadro added the idea that a volume of one kind of gas contains the same number of molecules as an equal volume of any other kind of gas. if both are under the same conditions of temperature and pressure. This is called Avogadro's law.
       The search for gold by the ancient alchemists has given way the search for other materials, which are not less precious, and probably even more useful. Although in a limited way, they have also fulfilled the dream of the ancients, to lengthen man's life.

The most suitable title for the passage above is ........

Small particles in gas
The search for gold should be stopped
Alchemy in the early nineteenth century
The union of oxygen with other chemicals
The development of alchemy as modern science
                In some ways our body is like a machine. A machine, such as a car engine, needs energy to do its work. The engine burns fuel, usually petrol. The fuel is combined with oxygen from the air. Energy is released.
       There are many likenesses between a machine and the human body. But it is the difference that make you better than a machine. For example, our body can change food into living material and it can grow. Machine cannot do these things. They cannot feel or see and they cannot think and learn as human beings do. The human body can repair worn-out parts. It can even produce new human beings. There is something special about the human body. It is alive, but machines are not.
       The human body has many kinds of organs. For example, it has the skeleton to hold the body erect. It has muscles to move the body. It has blood to carry food to all parts of the body. Our body has the brain to think with. It has the nervous system to control the muscles through our senses. Our senses are windows on the world about us. We learn everything through our senses. Information comes to us through our eyes, ears, nose, tongue, skin and some other senses. These other senses and the senses of balance. These sense tell us what is going on inside our body.
The main idea of paragraph 2 is about ........
the function of a machine
the function of our body
the production of new human being
the differences between the human body and a machine
the combination of oxygen from the air